WavePlay is a new concept of Creative development tools
WavePlay Edu Inc was founded as a specialist producer of educational tools, textbooks, and products.
It has developed, produced, and distributed over twenty types of patented products both in Korea and abroad.
In addition, the excellence of its products and their future development potential has been recognized.
WaveLay Edu Inc., has developed many patented products and planed, produced and distributed learning devices and learning material.
The excellence and creativity of our products were recognized through local and overseas exhibitions. Now we have 40 over local branches in Korea and 10 of overseas branches. Since 2012, our products are exported to U.S.A, Hong Kong, Malaysia, India, Taiwan, China and European countries.
Our products have been certified by KC (Korea), CE(Europe), CCC(China), ASTM(U.S.A), ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. We participated exhibitions in Korea and overseas including Hong Kong, Germany and China and the excellence and creativity of our products were recognized, which obtained opportunities of export.
在亞洲具有影響力的韓國檀國大學藝術造型系,以投票表決的形式決定並從,2012年年開始使用韓國Wave公司產品作為造型科目教材,並簽訂了一系列商業合作合同。同年,韓國Wave以企業的創意潛力和產品的優越性,榮獲了韓國政府頒發的 “極具潛力”企業認證。
We signed on a MOU with Dan Kook University and acquired Venture Business Certificate from Korean government and Prospective Export Enterprise from Small and Medium Business Administration by the excellence of our product and future development potentiality.
Our main appeal is for kids to developing their brain and improving the creativity through playing with WaveLay products, which is easy to show the concept of point, line and surface.
Unlike existing standardized block toys, WavePlay is a new concept educational toy that allows you to create any shape you think of freely and without restrictions.
韓國 WAVE具有多變型態的特性,不同於一般玩具,可以展現出使用普通堅硬材質的積木玩具無法展現的柔軟曲線圖形,配件可以拆接反覆使用,製作出各種形狀。Attempting to make a line, face, cubic diagram and polygon, it makes him understand a solid and space and is of help to improvement of mathematical thinking power such as a concept of a number and practice about a figure and so on.
Through different thematic learning methods, children can use different length or color of our wave bar to create their imagined world base on different theme, such as playground, garden, Jurassic park… etc. In addition, we design different interactive learning activities for attract children’s curiosity and higher the learning motive effectively.
小孩幼兒時期是最好的夢想著床天地,把握黃金時期施肥澆水,從遊戲中不同顏色的素材,引導孩子對色彩的基礎認知,為孩子量身打造一個美感養成的良好環境, 培養下一個小小達文西。
Early childhood is the best period to cultivate children to dream bravely. Through playing with different materials and colorful colors, childhood is a golden time of building up an aesthetic environment for guiding children to know the basic concept of color and cultivating next Da Vicci.
We hope through global trading, we can bring the products to as many countries as possible. Besides bring more fun and memories to children, we hope our products can offer a good start when kids are still kids. This passion for education is not only for our own country but also for the new generation all over the world.